
Access and navigation on the website, or the use of its services, imply the express and complete acceptance of each and every one of these General Conditions of the Legal Notice, including the Privacy and Cookies Policies, relating to the Purposes of the data processing provided to us. These conditions may be modified or replaced by the owner of the website at any time and without prior notice for regulatory changes and / or business criteria, so we recommend that you read them carefully and consult them whenever you access our site.

If the USER does not agree with the general conditions of use established in this notice, he must refrain from browsing it.


Ownership and purpose of the service

The purpose of this site is to publicize the products and services marketed by Alice Solutions and its collaborators, offer information about them and what we believe is of interest to the USER.

You can contact us through the following means:

Email: contacto@alicesolutions.net


Site Content

Through this website, Alice Solutions offers the USER information on the products and services marketed by it.

Conditions of access and use of the website

These conditions are intended to regulate the use of this website. The access and use of it by the USER are subject to the terms of this Legal Notice, notwithstanding that access to any of the services may require acceptance of particular conditions.

The USER voluntarily accepts and expresses his sole and exclusive responsibility in the use and access to the portal. In addition, it is prohibited, and therefore, its consequences will be the exclusive responsibility of the USER, the access or use of the Portal for illegal or unauthorized purposes, with or without economic purpose.

Alice Solutions cannot assume any responsibility regarding the use or access made by users outside the scope to which the website is directed, nor for the consequences that could result from the lack of utility, adequacy or validity of the same and / or its services or content to meet specific needs, activities or results or expectations of users, or the results that may result in the practical application of opinions, recommendations or studies that can be accessed through the website, whose final responsibility will fall always about the USER.

The USER undertakes to use this website, the contents and services in accordance with the Law, good customs, the requirements of good faith, this Legal Notice and other applicable conditions included in the website. You can view, print, copy or store the contents whenever it is for your personal use.


It is expressly prohibited:

Utilizar cualquiera de los contenidos y servicios con fines o efectos ilícitos, ilegales o contrarios a la buena fe, al orden público o prohibidos en el presente Aviso Legal y demás condiciones aplicables, lesivos de los derechos e intereses de terceros, o que de cualquier forma puedan dañar, inutilizar, sobrecargar, deteriorar o impedir la normal utilización del servicio, los equipos informáticos o los documentos, archivos y toda clase de contenidos almacenados en cualquier equipo informático de Alice Solutions.

Utilizar contenidos y servicios que se encuentren protegidos por cualquier derecho de propiedad intelectual o industrial pertenecientes a la entidad o a terceros, sin que el usuario haya obtenido previamente de sus titulares la autorización necesaria para llevar a cabo el uso que efectúa o pretende efectuar.

Reproducir, copiar, distribuir, comunicar los contenidos, salvo para uso personal, quedando prohibido para uso y fin de carácter comercial, así como transformar o modificar los contenidos a menos que se cuente con la autorización del titular de los correspondientes derechos o ello esté legalmente permitido.

Incorporar virus u otros elementos físicos o electrónicos que puedan dañar o impedir el normal funcionamiento de la red, del sistema o de equipos informáticos (software y hardware) de Alice Solutions o de terceros, o que puedan dañar los documentos electrónico y archivos almacenados en dichos equipos informáticos.

Realizar spamming o envío de correo no solicitado a través de este sitio, intentar acceder y/o utilizar las cuentas de correo de otros usuarios, modificar, manipular los mensajes o contenido.

Difundir el contenido de propaganda racista, xenófoba, pornográfica, apología del terrorismo o atentar contra los derechos humanos. 

La obtención o intento de obtención de los contenidos empleando para ello medios o procedimientos distintos de los que, según los casos, se hayan puesto a su disposición a este efecto en general, de los que se empleen habitualmente en internet a este efecto siempre que no entrañen un riesgo de daño o inutilización de la web, de los servicios y/o contenidos.

El USUARIO se compromete a no retirar, suprimir, alterar, manipular, ni en modo alguno modificar:

Notas, leyendas, indicaciones o símbolos que los legítimos titulares de los derechos incorporen a sus propiedades en materia de propiedad intelectual o industrial.

Los dispositivos técnicos de protección o identificación que puedan presentar los contenidos (marcas de agua, huellas digitales etc.).

El acceso, visualización y, en su caso, descarga de los Contenidos y/o servicios se realizará siempre, y en todo caso, con fines privados y no comerciales.

El USUARIO responderá de todos los daños y perjuicios que Alice Solutions o cualquier tercero pueda sufrir como consecuencia del incumplimiento de este Aviso Legal.



Exclusion of responsibilities and guarantees

Alice Solutions does not have the obligation to control the use that the USER makes of this website, its services and contents and therefore, excludes any responsibility for damages of any nature that derive from the use of the services and contents by the USER. When browsing our website, the following warranty exclusions must be considered:

1. Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for the operation of the website

Alice Solutions, despite putting the security and control means at its disposal, in order to minimize the problems caused by a technical nature, does not guarantee uninterrupted access and proper functioning of this website, nor that it is free of defects, errors, computer viruses or other harmful components.

If anomalous circumstances are appreciated, Alice Solutions will try to correct them as soon as possible, but will not assume any kind of responsibility in this regard, especially with regard to the possible contagion of your computer by a virus hosted on this website.

Therefore, we recommend that before you start browsing through this website you have installed and duly updated antivirus software, which allows you to detect any possible virus that could have infected this page. In spite of this recommendation, we also inform you that the installation of antivirus software and its updates do not represent an absolute guarantee against possible contagion due to computer viruses.

Consequently, Alice Solutions will not accept responsibility of any kind for the damages that may be caused in your computer equipment and that have their origin in the access or use of this website or in the download of products, offers, contents and / or materials available in it.

2. Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for the contents

This website includes information on promotions and offers provided by insurance companies that in no case involve binding offers.

The resources, information, content and other materials on this website have been provided either by Alice Soluitons or by sources outside it. For this reason, the reliability, suitability, veracity, accuracy and timeliness of the resources, information and content provided by external sources are not guaranteed. The particular use made of the resources, information, content and other materials of this website are the sole responsibility of the USER.

If you wish to obtain more accurate and reliable information about any content, we suggest that you contact us to directly address your request and, if this is not possible, we will provide you, where appropriate, the data of the sources that we They provided the contents in question, so that the USER can contact them.
Intellectual and Industrial Property.

The design, contents, texts, images, animations and other audiovisual elements, as well as the source codes and other programming elements contained or used on this website that are part of it, are owned by Alice Solutions or third parties to whom has acquired its exploitation rights and, therefore, are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights. The total or partial imitation of our site is therefore prohibited.

The use of this website does not imply the transfer of any of the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation on any of the aforementioned works. The USER is only entitled to a private use of the contents.



This website may make available to its users technical devices of links, connections, directories and / or search tools that allow the USER to access websites that are owned by third parties, or that are controlled or operated, totally or partially , For these. These links are intended to facilitate access to other websites that have content and information of interest to the USER.

Alice Solutions does not edit or control such content, therefore, assumes no responsibility for damages that may arise from the accuracy, quality, reliability, availability, accessibility, usefulness, continuity or any other aspect of the information and services of the contents resulting from the link.

The fact of providing a link to the website of a third party does not mean that we approve, authorize or sponsor said website or that we are, in any way, associated with those third parties. If the USER decides to access the linked website, he does so under his sole responsibility, therefore, we ask you to be cautious in the valuation and use of the contents and services presented by said links.

With reference to third party links to our website, Alice Solutions, unless expressly authorized, does not assign any right of reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation on the website, its programming, its design or its contents. In case of authorized links, these will be limited to the main page, they will not imply any right over it. Said authorization would exclusively allow access, being prohibited the total or partial reproduction of our contents. Simply establishing a link to our site does not entitle you to consider a partner or partner of Alice Solutions.

Alice Solutions may withdraw the authorization indicated above, at any time without claiming cause. The owners of the website that made the link must, upon receipt of the revocation of the authorization by Alice Solutions, must proceed to the immediate removal of the link.


Privacy and Cookies Policies

In compliance with current regulations on Protection of Personal Data and Services of the Information Society and electronic commerce, we inform you that Alice Solutions is responsible for the processing of your data.

For more information access to Privacy and Cookies of our website.


Applicable Legislation and Jurisdiction

The USER acknowledges that he has understood all the information regarding the conditions of use of our portal, and acknowledges that they are sufficient for the exclusion of the error in them, and therefore, accepts them fully and expressly.

The USER is fully aware that the mere navigation through this website, as well as the use of its services, implies acceptance of these conditions of use

If any provision contained in this Legal Notice is illegal, void or ineffective, it will be deemed excluded from this Legal Notice and will not affect the validity and effectiveness of the other provisions.

The relationship between Alice Solutions and the USER will be governed by current Spanish regulations. For the resolution of any discrepancy, controversy or litigation derived from the interpretation or fulfillment of this Legal Notice, about the content of this website or about the services in general, Alice Solutions and the USER waive any that may correspond to them and submit to the Spanish regulations and the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona.

Previously, both the USER and Alice Solutions are obligated to negotiate in good faith to resolve any dispute or litigation, establishing a period of one month, counting from the date on which one of the parties notifies the other in writing of their claim, potentially object of litigation.



For any communication between the COMPANY and the USER, you can direct your communication to




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